28 March 2020

The monster virus has changed our lives – hoping to be back to normalcy soon

I have been living in London for many years. Commute to work daily and travel around London often using public transport, which is among the best in the world. 

One of the beauties of London is its busyness, its vibrancy and its cosmopolitan nature. The past few days have been very different. More spaces and visible social distancing in our public transports. Coffee shops, eateries, etc with lots of empty chairs. Shelves in most of supermarkets empty. Unusually different experience. Undoubtedly our lives have changed.

I understand there are more challenging days ahead as we fight the spread of Coronavirus, but we will rise up to the challenges and come out victorious. After all, the collective human family has been imaginative and creative and hence will come up with solutions soon. This is a reminder that we are interdependent. We are all in this together. What affects one, affects the other. Yes, we are in this as one human family, wherever we may be.

In the meantime, it is vital that we 

📣 Remember the most vulnerable people in our collective human family. 
📣 Remember the elderly, the homeless, refugees and all those with existing health issues. 
📣 Remember to keep doing the Right Thing.

Hope is what I have. Hopeful that we defeat this monster Coronavirus and come back to normalcy soon.

Till then keen doing the right thing, remain positive, safe, upbeat and kind. One world, one human family!

Written on 17th March 2020 before the UK Lockdown.

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