19 June 2017

The Grenfell Fire incident leaves me sad and heartbroken

The past few days have been very challenging. Hard to comprehend this happened in London, one of the richest and most developed cities in the world.

The Grenfell fire incident has impact on many people from around the world. Some of those who perished came to Britain and made it their home. Amongst them were those who came to Britain in search of safety. They had that safety for a while but that devastating fire robbed them that; it also robbed them of their lives and the lives of their beloved ones. Those who perished were not only numbers. They had names, stories, plans, aspirations and hopes. But all that was cut short unexpectedly. It is very heart-breaking. Deeply touching. Very hard to imagine.

I don’t live nearby; I don’t have relatives in that building. But I’m in a deep sorrow because the people that perished were humans above all. They were part of my wider human family. But I also have more reasons to be heartbroken and disappointed. I took time to visit some of the families of those affected and hence was able to pay my respects; that was the least I could do. I was also able to hear stories of sorrow, bravery, endurance, kindness and humanity.

To see the family of little boy Issac was so heart-breaking. To see the family of Brkite and Bruk was devastating. To visit the family of Hashim and hear their stories was deeply touching. (Hashim, his wife and his 3 kids are still missing). All the people I was able to visit were with their loved ones days ago. That is no more the case. Their loved ones are gone. Yes, they are gone forever. But these families and many others need answers as to why this tragic incident could happen in the 21st century London. They seek justice. Yes, justice is needed for those who have departed unexpectedly; for those who have lost their loved ones; for those who are made homeless; and , for those who are in fear as they live in this type of buildings. Answers and assurances are urgently needed.

My heart still aches. I am so sad and heartbroken. But I hope one day justice will be served to those affected by the terrible Grenfell fire incident. That is the least they would expect. Seeking justice for Grenfell. 

9 June 2017

Hoping one day Ethiopia becomes a democracy

The election in the UK is a big lesson for many. In a democracy, political parties cannot take the electorate for granted. Yes, in politics there is no permanent friend or permanent enemy. Those who vote for you today may vote against you tomorrow. Those who work with you today may not work with you tomorrow. What we saw in Scotland was a proof. 2 years after a successful election, Scottish National Party lost 21 seats in yesterday's election. Nick Clegg in Sheffield and Alex Salmond in Scotland are among the big beasts that lost their seats. Zac Goldsmith’s come back in Richmond Park as a Member of parliament with only 45 votes majority is among the surprises.  They say, “every vote counts”.

Before the election, The Prime Minister was not satisfied with the majority she had. The election has not given her what she wanted; rather she lost seats and consequently diminished her authority. The PM is now forced to go into a confidence and supply deal with the Democratic Unionist Party. Will this deal last long or will we once again go to the polls? It is up to time until we know that.

This election has helped Jeremy Corbyn to prove many of his critics wrong. He was able to reach out to the grassroots, especially the youngsters. His politics of HOPE worked well. Lots of gains for the labour party under his leadership. The future looks very promising for the party. Jeremy has exceeded every expectation. Another exciting figure, at least for me, in this election process was Green's Caroline Lucas. Her interventions during the debates were fascinating. She is among the stars to watch closely. The return to parliament of the likes of Jo Swinson and Vince Cable must be exciting for the Liberal Democrats. 

Yemi Hailemariam meeting British Prime Minister Theresa May 

Another exciting moment for me, as a British citizen of Ethiopian origin, was to see Yemi Hailemariam, the wife of Andargachew Tsege, who made it all the way to Maidenhead from Islington, London, and contested the seat of the PM as an independent candidate and subsequently met the British Prime Minister to demand for the release of Andy who is abducted by the Ethiopian authorities. It was Non-violent activism at its best.  

The number of female Members of Parliament has increased to 208 according to the BBC. The increase in number is encouraging, but this is not enough in the 21st Britain. Britain is not short of talented women. Bring on the women and make the parliament more representative.

There is one important thing to remember. Democracy is not only about voting on the election day. It is also about what we do before and after election to hold our politicians to account; It is also about engaging in local democracy and contributing our bits to the betterment of our world; It is also about finding solutions to the challenges we are faced with. It is a process that doesn't stop once we have voted for our representatives.

Hoping one day, yes one day, my country Ethiopia becomes a democracy. Yes, hoping that nobody is thrown into jail for criticising the government on social media; hoping that my fellow Ethiopians some times in the not too distant future relish democracy and join the Brits and others that have democracy for granted; And of course, hoping that Ethiopians remain united and march together for a stronger and prosperous Ethiopia.

Of course, we all have our bits to contribute to see that happen. It is never late to identify, train and coach the next generation of Ethiopian leaders. At least we can start with the ones in the UK.

6 June 2017

Avoid apathy. Get out and vote!

United Kingdom goes to polls on June 8. This snap election was called by British Prime Minister Theresa May. It seems that she wanted to have a stronger mandate before the Brexit negotiations. Many people call this election – Election for Hard/Soft Brexit. But it will have impact on many beyond Brexit negotiations. That is why there is a need to vote. The ball is now in the hands of the British public.

Apathy to participate in local democracy is not the way forward. If we want to see changes happen in Britain; if we want to see our voices heard; if we also want to see strong civil societies that can hold the state and the market to account; then it is important to get out and vote. It is important to remember that change does not come on its own. Change needs hard work and we all have our bits to contribute; or change remains a dream! 

Worthwhile to remember that many people around the world die to get the right to vote. Many others suffer in the hands of brutal dictators, like Assad, and their agents because they want to have a say in their countries’ affairs. Yet in democratic countries like Britain, there are many who do not exercise this privilege. Some even think their votes wouldn’t make a difference and hence do not care voting. We still see same people complaining about the government in power or even about the opposition. We may not like politics but our lives are affected by politics. Hence there is a need to engage actively in local democracy and vote for what matters for us. If we don’t engage locally and use our democratic rights, we must accept what others have voted for. By the end of the day, the voice of the majority rules even if we do not agree.

Avoid apathy and get out and vote! Your Vote is Your Voice! We may not get what we vote for, but it is our chance to exercise our democratic rights.  June 8 is the day!

Time to Get Out and Vote – Democracy in Action

  United Kingdom goes to the polls on July 4th.  Since the election was called by British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, I have had the opportu...