21 May 2020

Together against an invisible enemy – why I joined the NHS volunteer responders program

Bekele as an NHS volunteer responder
I believe in one collective human family that can help one another and thrive together. When there is a challenge, we have to step in to help one-another. When there is happiness, good to cherish that together, if at all possible. For me, this is a world of interdependence where what affects one, affects the other. When we do something for others, it does not only benefit others, but we greatly benefit from what we are doing as well. The benefit is mutual. Hence it is more than vital for me to take up on voluntary works as much as possible and contribute my bits. Hence whenever possible, I try my best to contribute my share on a voluntary capacity. 
Bekele as London 2012 Olympics Games Maker

I was one of the Games Makers of London 2012 Olympics, which was one of my proudest moments in my life.  I am now up as an NHS Volunteer Responder, which makes me very proud.

When there was a call for NHS volunteers, I did not hesitate. I just asked myself ‘how I could be of help?’ What could I do? What could I contribute to the fight against this monster virus whilst supporting fellow citizens? I hence made my application and was approved in days’ time, which was excellent. Yet I was aware that more than 750000 people had applied to volunteer, which by itself was amazing and extraordinary. For me joining these people from around the country was a big deal on its own. People willing to step in and make a difference.

Coronavirus is an invisible enemy affecting many people. The impact of this monstrous virus is massive on the wider collective human family. I have lost 2 of my close ex-colleagues and friends to Covid19, whcih is very painful. Anybody could be infected by this ruthless virus. Hence vital for me to do whatever I could in the fight against this virus. Whilst doing this voluntary work, I get to know many wonderful people doing the right thing at the right time. We can only stamp out Covid19 collectively. For me, there is no small contribution. Hence when I decided to apply for this voluntary position, I was determined to do whatever I could in my capacity to be part of the wider fighters.

As a former refugee who made Britain his home, this gives me another opportunity to pay back. Hence doing this voluntary work means a lot for me.

The importance of small wins - Tiny changes, remarkable values!

  Reflecting on the book I once read, Atomic Habits, and also reflecting on my long Community Organising life, the importance of small wins ...