25 February 2019


On a bright afternoon in North London, I was in a tube to the centre.
Hurried to reach Victoria so as not to miss the coach; for the trip to Cardiff.
The guy next had an issue; an issue with which he was obsessed.
He then asked a question; mate what time is the match
Mate, it is the match of the day, he continued; as I looked a bit confused,
It is Arsenal versus Tottenham; The North London derby.
I think you are an Arsenal fun, he continued.
Of course I am an arsenal fun; though I didn't tell him that.
I don’t know why I kept so quite.
I was just listening; listening to what the gentleman had to say
I am for the Gunners, he added; as he prepared to get off; by the Finsbury park station.
He said to me see you later.
Showing me with his hand; that he was going to inject.
Some heat into the blood; in terms of a pint.
I gave him a warm good bye; for his being friendly.
Yet had to think about him; his dedication and freedom
Of thought and expression.
The Cardiff coach was ready; to take its passengers on board.
It was unusually full.
Do you mind my sitting next to you
I politely said to a guy who I think is a Welsh.
He gave me way to the seat by the window.
As I sat next to him and started reading a book
Which was written in Amharic; which is my tongue language,
Where are you from mate if you don’t mind, said the gentleman next.
I am originally from Ethiopia, I replied;
Oh gosh! Have you got rugby in Ethiopia, he asked.
I have no idea was my answer; as I had no clue whatsoever.
What Rugby is after all; it is running that we love.
There was a very good match last week, he continued.
The blues with Gloucester; which was the best match of the year.
In the millennium stadium; especially the try from John
That helped the blues have the dominance in the game.
Did you know that the match; was also international, he continued
I have never watched Rugby mate, I replied.
While at the same time showing interest; to know a little bit about it.
I asked some naive questions; as I didn't know what Rugby meant.
And the guy replied and made sure that I understood what he said.
I appreciated his effort to help me understand.
But at the same time I learnt that he was also in love
In love with Rugby to the bit
That gentleman must be around; around in the city.
As it is time for six nations; six nations in rugby.
The gentleman is in love; in love with rugby.

written in October 2008

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