25 February 2019

What do they mean?

The stranger is to travel,
To move around in big city.
With no experience how to make it,
Taken by his deep thoughts.
How do I go to this place,
Train or bus should I use,
What do they mean when they say zones,
Are there cities within city,
Locating places and zones,
Knowing the price,
Buying the card
The Oyster,
From the machine or the office.
Checking the line,
The platform,
Boarding the tube,
Getting off the tube or changing,
Listening to the announcements
And reading same,
This is station X,
Change for line A,
The announcements come once again,
Attention please, attention please,
This is a security announcement.
The stranger is awakened,
His ears stand like nothing
As he gets more vigilant and worried.
There goes the announcement again,
Please keep you luggage with you,
And report unattended items,
And suspicious behaviour,
He recalls the announcements.
What do they mean when they say that,
Poses the question to himself.
As he gets more confused,
And contemplates to get off,
Yet he recalls the announcement,
Suspicious behaviour, as he recalls,
What do they mean when they say that,
The stranger looks around,
As he is more confused,
But no body looks that scared,
Different or Worried,
Is it only him who is scared,
Most are busy, busy reading,
Newspaper, book, magazine.
There come announcements once again,
This is station Y,
What a relief to reach at Y
He finally gets relived,
And awakened from his thoughts,
Before he even went to ask,
As to whether he should get off,
Or what do they mean when they say that,
Not knowing that the man next
Is a stranger Like himself.

Written in May 2009.

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