25 February 2019

The talk is change

Obama talks change,
So does McCain,
Brown and Cameron.
Politicians talk,
So do students,
So too teachers,
So do others.
So what is wrong,
If those who seek sanctuary.
Talk change,
And voice their concerns,
On the change they all dream.
That allows work
And safeguards education,
That uses experience
and knowledge
And restores confidence
That goes for family union
And avoids family breakdowns
That encourages full participation
And helps to come out of misery
Many hoped for
Spoke about for years
This should come at last
For justice to prevail
For life to be normal
For that sends message for hard work
So as to pay back to the host
And discharge self responsibly
And get recognition and dignity,
That is the change we all dream.

Written in October 2008.

The importance of small wins - Tiny changes, remarkable values!

  Reflecting on the book I once read, Atomic Habits, and also reflecting on my long Community Organising life, the importance of small wins ...